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Report Dell Technologies and Intel - IDC – Workstation Guide

IDC – Workstation Guide

This IDC InfoBrief is aimed at decision makers, the C-suite, and IT department managers and power and advanced PC users, specifically those who make decisions around selecting and configuring the organisation’s PCs at work, either in the office, in the home, or in a hybrid mode. The InfoBrief enables managers and users to look beyond just budget issues to make educated purchasing decisions and avoid the consequences of “good enough” guesses and false economies, especially when choosing a general-purpose commercial PC over a workstation. The InfoBrief is backed by IDC data and analysis, including an IDC survey carried out in France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain, Sweden, and the U.K., representing 67% of the European commercial PC market.

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  • A “Branch Office of One” Is the New Reality
  • The False Economy of Disregarding Workstations
  • The Advantage of Financial Solutions