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The New Research Landscape

A Research Maturity Model for User-Centric Organizations

In today's fast-paced digital world, understanding user needs and behaviours is vital to building products that delight users and align with their evolving expectations. To meet the growing appetite for research insights, organisations must strive to continuously evolve their research practices - this is where a research maturity model can help. In this report explore the five stages of research maturity; limited, sporadic, developing, systematic, and strategic. Download and read to learn how to take your research practices to the next level.

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  • Understand your current research maturity level
  • Set goals to move to the next stage
  • Identify and prioritise areas for investment

Solution Categories

Mobile Analytics Software

Mobile Analytics Software

Mobile analytics software is a tool or platform designed to collect, analyze, and interpret data rel...

Embedded Analytics Software

Embedded Analytics Software

Embedded analytics software refers to a powerful tool that integrates analytics capabilities directl...