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  • Self-Funding Cybersecurity for the Mid-Market Enterprise

Analyst Insight: Self-Funding Cybersecurity for the Mid-Market Enterprise

Midsized organizations have the opportunity to rightsize their IT and network ecosystem and subsequently fund underserved cybersecurity initiatives and policies

Mid-market enterprises (broadly defined by Amalgam Insights as between $25 million and $1 billion in annual revenue or between 100 and 2500 employees) face the security and data breach exposure and related business challenges that large enterprises suffer. Relative to enterprise organizations, mid-market enterprises must spend a larger percentage of their revenue to effectively secure their technical footprint & remediate security breaches before they are harmed. By transferring savings from commoditized IT and network spend to support higher priority security issues, midsized organizations can prioritize IT spend on reducing vulnerability to online security attacks.

Report Snap Shot

  • Why midsized companies avoid spending on cybersecurity
  • What midsized firms can do to protect themselves from cyberthreats
  • The business case for reallocating IT spend to security

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Embedded Analytics Software

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