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  • As edge-to-cloud data grows, organizations seek a hybrid approach

As edge-to-cloud data grows, organizations seek a hybrid approach

Each day, more and more data is collected and stored at the edge of the network.

Enterprises that seek to extract value from their data need a strategy for ingesting it, managing it, and using it to derive insights. HPE surveyed more than 900 organizations across nine countries about the benefits and challenges posed by a hybrid cloud strategy. Learn why enterprises view hybrid cloud as the most effective for managing data across edge to cloud.

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Key take-aways:

  • A mix of on-prem, private cloud, and public cloud offers the best option for controlling and harnessing data at the edge.
  • You need the flexibility and adaptability of a hybrid environment to be more responsive to the needs of your business—especially with edge data.
  • Hybrid offers maximum flexibility, minimal risk. 
  • A slow and steady approach to hybrid cloud adoption is a winning strategy.