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  • DBA’s guide to Oracle data protection

DBA’s guide to Oracle data protection

How to integrate cloud backup with Oracle RMAN to reduce costs and complexity

Oracle’s RDBMS has been the gold standard for managing structured data for decades, and today most major businesses rely on it for their mission-critical applications. Yet maintaining relational database integrity during a backup can be complex. To reduce this complexity, Oracle introduced Recovery Manager (RMAN) as its standard tool to handle basic backup and restore functionality

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Discover how your organization can integrate cloud backup with Oracle RMAN to reduce costs and complexity of data protection.

  • The most efficient protection for Oracle databases both on-premises and in the cloud
  • On-demand scaling and storage without complexity
  • Lower TCO for backup and recovery

Solution Categories

Cloud Management Software

Cloud Management Software

Cloud Management Software refers to a type of software that enables businesses to efficiently manage...

Virtualization Software

Virtualization Software

Virtualization software refers to a technology that allows the creation of virtual versions of vario...