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  • Formulating an Agile Integration Strategy in The Hybrid Multi-Cloud Era
Report Red Hat Formulating an Agile Integration Strategy in The Hybrid Multi-Cloud Era

Formulating an Agile Integration Strategy in The Hybrid Multi-Cloud Era

5 Reasons Why Organisations Use Hybrid Cloud Environments

The modern business demands that enterprise and IT leaders continuously re-examine their customers’ experiences and expectations, improve business efficiencies, and fend off threats from rivals. The ‘digital transformation’ phenomenon has driven a cloud-first mentality, transforming IT into a highly distributed hybrid architecture composed of multiple data-centres, multi-clouds, managed services, edge computing, devices and things.    

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  • The innovations that will influence and stimulate continued investment in the next generation of hybrid integration platforms
  • The business impact of highly distributed architectures
  • How to develop an effective agile strategy for the Hybrid Multi-cloud era