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  • Guide to Cloud-Based Contact Centre Solutions

The Inner Circle Guide to Cloud-Based Contact Centre Solutions

An omnichannel cloud contact centre that delivers service excellence and supports your team in the hybrid world

Having technology provided and managed by a third-party away from a customer's premises is not a new idea, with service bureaux and ASPs being around for many years. In the past decade, the success of SaaS solutions, especially for CRM, have paved the way for widespread creation and adoption of cloud-based solutions. Now, the vast majority of this equipment, functionality and supporting resource is available in a third-party hosted environment, through one of the various types of cloud-based delivery. Read this report to discover how you can develop an omnichannel cloud contact centre that delivers service excellence and supports your team in the hybrid world.

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"The Inner Circle Guides are a series of analyst reports investigating key customer contact solutions. The Guides aim to give a detailed and definitive view of the reality of the implementing and using these technologies, and a view on what the future holds."

Solution Categories

Cloud Management Software

Cloud Management Software

Cloud Management Software refers to a type of software that enables businesses to efficiently manage...

Virtualization Software

Virtualization Software

Virtualization software refers to a technology that allows the creation of virtual versions of vario...