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  • Mid-Market Cloud Adoption: A Guide to Successfully Migrating to the Cloud

Mid-Market Cloud Adoption: A Guide to Successfully Migrating to the Cloud

Our recent research on mid-market IT priorities shows that almost all organisations now have some element of their IT operations in the cloud. But the focus has shifted.

One third of IT leaders reported that more than half of their workloads are running in the cloud, another third said that they had between 30% and 50% of workloads in the cloud, only 1% reported that their businesses still relied solely on on-premises or co-located compute resources. The cloud migration focus has shifted from ‘which applications do I migrate first?’ to ‘what’s next, how quickly and how do I make it all work together?’. In the words of Dave Bartoletti, Principal Analyst at Forrester Research, “Cloud computing has indeed become a must-have technology for every enterprise.”

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This guide looks at the practical considerations that can help answer these questions about the next cloud steps.