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Multicloud Portability for Dummies

With this eBook in hand you will take a journey, looking closely at what multi-cloud means for your business, with its various applications, data, and services.

Cloud computing is everywhere - with IT infrastructures of all types and sizes extending into private and public clouds. But, for most organisations a single cloud isn’t enough to get the job done. Increasingly organisations are opting for multi-cloud strategy to benefit from greater flexibility, reduced costs and to avoid vendor lock-in. And with more IT professionals following the path of the Multi-cloud it’s worth taking a moment to understand how it all works. ​

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Download this ebook to learn how to:

  • Survey your cloud landscape 
  • Build a cloud strategy that fits your needs
  • Adopt a Multicloud strategy

Solution Categories

Cloud Management Software

Cloud Management Software

Cloud Management Software refers to a type of software that enables businesses to efficiently manage...

Virtualization Software

Virtualization Software

Virtualization software refers to a technology that allows the creation of virtual versions of vario...