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  • Top 10 Security Events to Monitor in Azure AD and Office 365

Top 10 Security Events to Monitor in Azure AD and Office 365

See the shortcomings of native auditing tools and overcome them

Microsoft has warned admins for years that tens of millions of AD accounts are the target of cyberattack each day. Besides, 34 percent of data breaches involve someone already inside the network. Unfortunately, native Office 365 and Azure AD auditing tools leave a lot to be desired when it comes to auditing changes to roles, groups, applications, sharing and mailboxes. Their search capabilities are limited and they retain audit events in logs for only a limited time.

Report Snap Shot

  • Ten security events that administrators track closely to keep their Azure AD and Office 365 environment secure
  • Audit information that can found using native tools and consoles
  • Solutions that can help overcome some of the native auditing limitations
  • And more!

Solution Categories

Cloud Security Software

Cloud Security Software

Cloud security software refers to a specialized tool or program designed to protect data and informa...