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Tech Jobs of Tomorrow: Cloud Computing

Whether you’re hiring or applying for new roles in emerging technologies, it’s important to know where that tech is headed and how companies are adapting their hiring strategies.

When it comes to digital transformation, one technology is poised as a key enabler in supporting business agility and innovation: cloud computing. In 2019, cloud computing will firmly establish itself as the foundation of tomorrow’s enterprise application platforms. We’ve culled a few insights from the World Economic Forum’s The Future of Jobs Report to get you up to speed on what you need to know about the tech jobs of tomorrow.

Report Snap Shot

“In 2019, cloud computing will firmly establish itself as the foundation of tomorrow’s enterprise application platforms.” – Forrester 

Solution Categories

Cloud Management Software

Cloud Management Software

Cloud Management Software refers to a type of software that enables businesses to efficiently manage...

Virtualization Software

Virtualization Software

Virtualization software refers to a technology that allows the creation of virtual versions of vario...