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  • WeLab Uses Fortinet on AWS to Build Virtual Bank and Ensure Compliance

WeLab Uses Fortinet on AWS to Build Virtual Bank and Ensure Compliance

WeLab is a FinTech company that provides online financial services to more than 42 million individual users and more than 300 corporate users in Hong Kong, Mainland China, and Indonesia.

As a regulated entity, WeLab Bank needed to ensure compliance with financial services industry requirements. “It is absolutely essential that we comply with strict regulations, particularly as it relates to data protection and security,” Tse says. “We needed a cloud technology provider that could help us do that.”

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“We needed high-end security capabilities even though we weren’t an enterprise-scale company. Fortinet was able to deliver a solution, based on AWS, to boost our size and supplement our in-house staff.” – Eddie Tse, Deputy Chief Technology Officer, WeLab Bank

Solution Categories

Cloud Management Software

Cloud Management Software

Cloud Management Software refers to a type of software that enables businesses to efficiently manage...

Virtualization Software

Virtualization Software

Virtualization software refers to a technology that allows the creation of virtual versions of vario...