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Transforming Information Management in Modern Policing

Why Information Management Should Be a Core Policing Function

In an era where data rivals the physical presence of police, Capita's latest report with CoPaCC is a pivotal tool for reshaping law enforcement’s approach to information management. This report is more than an informative read; it’s a roadmap for transforming policing. It calls on law enforcement agencies to prioritise information management – a critical step for creating safer communities, strengthening public trust and rigorously upholding compliance standards. Download and read this report to find out more about information management in modern policing and how you can lead the change.

Report Snap Shot

From back office to business critical: Why information management should be a core policing function An independent report, researched and produced by Policing Insight and commissioned by Capita.

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Data Center Management Software

Data Center Management Software

Data center management software refers to a set of tools and applications that help businesses effic...