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ForgeRock: Your Business Transformation Catalyst

Evolution to Revolution: The New Pace of Digital Transformation

People of all ages now rely on the ability to work, learn, and live remotely. The rise of remote everything has also led to a surge in cybercrime and fraud. This new reality makes digital experiences, security, and privacy for consumers, workforces, and connected things more important than ever before. Identity and access management (IAM) is the foundation to enabling business success. Done well, IAM can be a force multiplier. Done poorly, it can inhibit progress.

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  • The COVID-19 pandemic has caused a massive switch from “in-person” to digital relationships. For example, a large banking organization saw a 300% increase in online banking while also experiencing a 51% decrease in local branch foot traffic.

Solution Categories

Data Center Management Software

Data Center Management Software

Data center management software refers to a set of tools and applications that help businesses effic...