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Increasing SaaS and IaaS Performance

What’s Driving The Need for SaaS and IaaS Performance?

It is estimated that 78% of workloads will be processed in cloud data centers by 2018. This means workers in branch offices will be accessing more distributed and cloud-based services that may reside in one or more locations. To support this new traffic pattern, shift most efficiently and cost-effectively, organisations must leverage public broadband transport in addition to – or perhaps even instead of – costly leased line services. In this transition, the challenges are ensuring consistent application performance and availability without compromising security. Download this whitepaper to learn more!

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Organizations that are optimizing performance for SaaS and IaaS must address the following challenges:

  •  Unpredictable response time
  •  No traffic steering
  •  Limited flexibility in supporting IaaS and SaaS
  •  Inadequate security and performance
  •  High operational cost