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  • Maximise the Value of your Identity Solution with AI-Driven Identity Analytics

Maximise the Value of your Identity Solution with AI-Driven Identity Analytics

Identity Threats Continue to Rise

With the size, number, and frequency of data breaches increasing year over year, pressures caused by external security threats have never been greater. At the same time, the number of identities and volume of activities requiring access, compounded by the uptick in remote working, are expanding at a rapid cadence, increasing the internal threat surface.

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  • In a 2019 survey, data security company Varonis found that, on average, every employee had access to 17 million files and 1.21 million folders.
  • In the same survey, 58% of companies found more than1,000 folders with the same permissions.
  • In 2019, unauthorized access was the most common type of breach, 40%, up from 34% in 2018.

Solution Categories

Data Center Management Software

Data Center Management Software

Data center management software refers to a set of tools and applications that help businesses effic...