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Why Multi-Cloud is Imperative to Any Modern Data Strategy

The benefits of a multi-cloud strategy and why it’s a top priority for today’s IT decision makers

Based on a global survey conducted by Forrester, 86% of enterprises have adopted a multi-cloud strategy due to shifting business priorities. Organizations seek to optimize the costs of running and managing data in the cloud while simultaneously enabling developer velocity to quickly build the modern, intelligent applications of tomorrow.

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  • The freedom of choice to host applications and data anywhere — on any cloud, in any global region
  • The most robust approach for fast-growing, cloud-native applications — with real-time capabilities, infinite scalability, and no downtime
  • No single cloud provider lock-in — 73% of the enterprises consider multi-cloud to avoid it
  • Competitive pricing — 65% of businesses consider reduced pricing as compelling

Solution Categories

Data Center Management Software

Data Center Management Software

Data center management software refers to a set of tools and applications that help businesses effic...