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O'Reilly: Introducing MLOps

How to scale machine learning in the enterprise

MLOps isn’t just for data scientists; a diverse group of experts across the organization have a role to play not only in the machine learning model lifecycle, but the MLOps strategy as well. Explore a preview version of "Introducing MLOps" before its official release, including the first two chapters.

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  • Practical concepts to help data scientists and application engineers operationalise ML models to drive real business change
  • Fulfill data science value by reducing friction throughout ML pipelines and workflows
  • Constantly refine ML models through retraining, periodic tuning, and even complete remodeling to ensure long-term accuracy
  • Design the ML Ops lifecycle to ensure that people-facing models are unbiased, fair, and explainable

Solution Categories

Data Center Management Software

Data Center Management Software

Data center management software refers to a set of tools and applications that help businesses effic...