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Protecting the Data of Refugees and Those Who Help Them

A case study on the Danish Refugee Council

Every two seconds, a person is forcibly displaced from their home as a result of conflict or persecution. The numbers add up quickly. Today, there are 68.5 million refugees and displaced people around the globe. Besides physical protection and shelter, relief organizations provide a variety of services to help. However, as they deliver assistance, they must also protect data—about refugees and operations including aid shipments—from unauthorized access to minimize risks. To protect refugees, employees and supply transports - plus minimize costs—the Danish Refugee Council (DRC) wanted to standardize the management of Active Directory. Download this case study to better understand the evolving threats and how to help more people. The organization continually looks for ways to boost security, save money and improve efficiency.

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Find out:

  • How to consistently manage IT and data access
  • How to boost efficiency and ensure quick access to IT resources
  • How to meet data protection regulation

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Data Center Management Software

Data Center Management Software

Data center management software refers to a set of tools and applications that help businesses effic...