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Confronting the elephant in the room: Fraud throughout the Government supply chain

An opportunity to enhance payment integrity in Government

How a data-driven approach to payment integrity can help UK Government departments drive up spend accuracy, potentially generating billions in annual savings: It’s estimated that the amount lost to UK public sector fraud increased by approximately 25% between 2017 and 2021, rising to an eye-watering total of £50.2 billion. Fraudsters are deploying increasingly sophisticated techniques, making them more challenging to identify than ever. The UK government is finally confronting the elephant in the room, represented by funds lost to payment fraud, waste, and abuse, and is establishing a counter-fraud function to address the problem. If successful, the effort could save billions, helping to balance the books and free up money for investment in citizen services. With SAS, Government departments can tackle payment fraud, waste, abuse and error once and for all – with rapid results. We have a proven track record in this space, saving one UK Government department 1% of its spend on a major project or approximately £1 billion in just three months.

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This report covers: 

  • Challenges in Government procurement processes
  • Opportunities available for Government
  • Benefits of implementing a data-driven approach to payment integrity