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Boost productivity with a high-definition user workspace

Give your employees the choice and exceptional experience they need to drive business productivity — anywhere, anytime, on any device.

Help your teams be even more productive. By giving them a secure, reliable connection with high-definition access to the apps and data they need, they'll be able to keep projects moving forward seamlessly — even across low bandwidth or high-latency networks. What's more, IT will be able to manage it all efficiently.

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Discover how Citrix Workspace offers a high-definition (HDX) virtualized experience that rivals that of a local PC, and:

  • Decreases your demand for bandwidth
  • Increases your user density per hosting server
  • Supports voice, video, and display—even 3D professional graphics!

Solution Categories

Digital Workplace Software

Digital Workplace Software

Digital workplace software refers to a set of digital tools and platforms designed to enhance collab...