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  • CIOs Reveal Their Priorities and Successes in IT Transformation

CIOs Reveal Their Priorities and Successes in IT Transformation

Digital business success has become heavily dependent on IT modernisation and automation. CIOs point to progress on several fronts as they share their key technologies and operational challenges.

VMware, along with Dell EMC, has been on the front lines, creating strategic partnerships with CIOs to guide them along their journey towards IT Transformation. This paper draws from the deep trove of data gathered by VMware and Dell EMC, to provide a picture of how IT transformation initiatives have evolved over the years — and where they stand today. It shows CIOs’ top IT priorities, their progress toward reaching their goals, and the steps they want to take toward IT transformation.

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  • IT transformation priorities and successes 
  • The evolution of IT transformation trends
  • Gaps in IT transformation priorities and achievements 
  • Emerging challenges and opportunities in IT transformation