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Expand Your VDI with a Digital Workspace Strategy

How a digital workspace strategy can address every use case with a comprehensive solution.

From desktops to applications to data access, today’s users need it all—on any device they happen to have at hand. If IT can’t provide it, they’ll look elsewhere. And unfortunately, many of those resources don’t meet security and compliance standards, which results in “shadow IT” and puts data at risk. A digital workspace strategy enables IT to accelerate digital transformation by simplifying the delivery of and access to applications, while better protecting corporate resources and streamlining compliance activities.

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  • What is a digital workspace
  • How to create a digital workspace strategy that covers more then just desktops
  • How to determine when to deploy virtual apps and desktops.

Solution Categories

Digital Workplace Software

Digital Workplace Software

Digital workplace software refers to a set of digital tools and platforms designed to enhance collab...