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Report One Identity Get IAM Right in SAPcentric organizations

Get IAM Right in SAP-centric organizations

SAP is critical to many organizations’ operations and success, and IAM is essential for EVERY organization’s success

In spite of SAP’s idiosyncrasies and special requirements for authentication, authorization, administration and audit/governance, you can get IAM right. You need a partner with future-ready solutions, a deep expertise in SAP, and proven success in organizations similar to yours.

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  • Negative user experiences due to security being a significant barrier to business objectives
  • Horrific complexity to the security backend and hidden vulnerabilities from dodgy and inappropriate user access to systems, such as SAP
  • Non-compliance with industry and/or government regulations, such as requirements to enforce and provide proof of appropriate access control and separation of duties (SoD)

Solution Categories

IT Management Software

IT Management Software

IT management software refers to a set of tools and applications designed to streamline and enhance ...

IT Asset Management Software

IT Asset Management Software

IT Asset Management Software refers to a specialized tool or system that helps organizations effecti...

Application Performance Management Software

Application Performance Management Software

Application Performance Management (APM) software refers to a set of tools and solutions that monito...