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  • How to Gain Control of Complex Apps in the Time of Digital Transformation

How to Gain Control of Complex Applications in the Time of Digital Transformation

Application intelligence provides both the visibility and the context needed to manage and secure the microservices-based digital applications at the core of your DX strategy

The business goals of digital transformation (DX) are to streamline processes, cut costs and improve productivity. These are ambitious goals and they’re ultimately realised through new digital applications, built on intricate microservices-based architectures. But while these modern DX applications bring agility and innovative capabilities their complexity makes monitoring and securing them difficult. Which puts the success of these applications – and DX projects in general – at risk. This whitepaper explores the complexities and limitations of today’s digital applications and how to utilise application intelligence to improve monitoring and security.

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  • Digital transformation, made possible by digital applications, is central to business success 
  • Modern digital applications are incredibly complicated so new approaches are required to monitor and secure them