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  • Best practices: How you can increase the ROI of your software investments

Best practices: How you can increase the ROI of your software investments

Increase the effectiveness of your software and reduce costs with a digital adoption platform

Investing and rolling out new software is one of the many responsibilities that IT Leaders must manage. The complex task comes with challenges however, and getting employees to use the software effectively and efficiently is critical in securing ROI.

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Download this whitepaper to understand how to mitigate the risks of costly software investments. Including:

  • 10 ways to increase ROI through Digital Adoption Platforms, such as eliminating training and retraining costs and reducing IT support tickets
  • DAPs in practice – how enterprise companies like Deutsche Bahn and The Linde Group are increasing ROI of software rollouts and reducing training costs


Solution Categories

Digital Workplace Software

Digital Workplace Software

Digital workplace software refers to a set of digital tools and platforms designed to enhance collab...