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Project Nightingale: A Revolution in Retail IT

The world of paying for goods and services is changing dramatically.

What was once an anonymous, transactional experience predicated merely on convenience and cash is changing into a more personal, deeper relationship between a brand, a store, and a customer. Technology is the critical lever, helping brands demonstrate care for their customers through personalisation and valuable content, tailored to each individual customer – putting your IT team at the core of the business.

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“There is no doubt we’ve seen a permanent shift in the way consumers shop and behave...consumers across all age groups are more willing to spend on experiences rather than things, and are more interested in retailers who offer personal, custom, digital and social experiences.”

Linda Kirkpatrick, Executive Vice President, Mastercard

Solution Categories

IT Management Software

IT Management Software

IT management software refers to a set of tools and applications designed to streamline and enhance ...

IT Asset Management Software

IT Asset Management Software

IT Asset Management Software refers to a specialized tool or system that helps organizations effecti...

Application Performance Management Software

Application Performance Management Software

Application Performance Management (APM) software refers to a set of tools and solutions that monito...