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Rethinking Digital Transformation

New Data Examines the Culture and Process Change Imperative in 2020

The current state of digital transformation can be summed up in four words: the same but different. For years, global executives have understood what it takes to succeed in this area. 86% of respondents in a recent survey by Harvard Business Review Analytic Services say transformation requires a combination of the right culture, revised business processes, and new technology. But only 20% rate their transformation strategies as being effective. This report provides results and analysis around the culture, process, and technology capabilities that are separating digital transformation leaders from everyone else.

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  • 84% of the executives surveyed agree that new business opportunities are emerging as their organisation digitally transforms.
  • 70% say over the past two years digital transformation has become significantly more important to business success.
  • 20% rate their companies’ digital transformation efforts as effective.