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  • Solving Critical Digital Business Challenges Through Interconnection

Leverage the Digital Edge: Solving Critical Digital Business Challenges Through Interconnection

An executive strategy guide to the rapid emergence and impact of digital disruption and the importance of re-architecting IT infrastructures to stay competitive.

Highly-adaptive digital business models are the main reason why more than half of the companies on the Fortune 500 list have disappeared since the year 2000. Yet within 45% of companies’ digital disruption is still not considered a board-level concern. This whitepaper explores how to oversee the transition to new collaboration-first business models - to react in real time and adapt quickly to change, creating new value and growth opportunities.

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  • The importance of leveraging your digital ecosystems on a global platform
  • How to deploy interconnection to empower your business to adapt to change in real time
  • How an interconnection-oriented architecture creates added value and growth opportunities