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The State of IT Work-Life Balance

Hard truths for IT professionals responsible for keeping digital services running 24/7

For IT professionals - from managers, to ITOps practitioners, to developers - an always-on, available culture perpetuated by mobile devices and multiple screens has become the norm. In addition, increased consumer expectations of the performance and quality of the digital services they use places added stress on the always-on IT professional. This new normal makes the management of digital operations, which includes tackling unplanned interruptions, a daunting responsibility for any organisation that aims to provide high quality digital offerings 24/7.

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  • 94% of IT professionals said the responsibility for the management of always-on digital services impacts their family life.
  • More than half (51.3 percent) of IT professionals experience sleep and/or personal life interruptions due to a digital service disruption or outage more than 10 times per week.
  • And, one in four IT professionals said the responsibility for the management of always-on digital services impacts their families enough to make their job unmanageable at times.

Solution Categories

IT Management Software

IT Management Software

IT management software refers to a set of tools and applications designed to streamline and enhance ...

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IT Asset Management Software

IT Asset Management Software refers to a specialized tool or system that helps organizations effecti...

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Application Performance Management Software

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