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Report Lenovo Your #1 Priority: Solving The UKs Education IT Challenges

Your #1 Priority: Solving The UKs Education IT Challenges

However much we practice working remotely, everyone in education knows that you can’t replace face-to-face teaching. It’s how students collaborate best.

You’ll know that your students are now playing catch-up as exams and coursework have both been hit by the pandemic. To get a better idea of what can be done, Lenovo commissioned some in-depth research across the education sector and spoke to students, parents, teachers and IT professionals to discover the themes that lay behind their challenges, what they want from technology – and the steps they are taking. In this report, Lenovo collated that research with their own experiences, working with thousands of educators across the country, to giving recommendations on how you can adapt your digital strategy to ensure no pupil is left behind.

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  • Learning Loss
  • The Digital Divide
  • Career Pressures
  • Uncertain Futures