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5 Pillars of Ransomware Defense

Secure, Protect, Test, Detect and Recover.

Mission-critical data now lives in more places than ever before! Today’s ransomware is built to overcome traditional security mechanisms. According to the 2021 Cyber Security Statistics report, 75% of organizations infected by ransomware ran up-to-date endpoint protection and 53% of organizations running multiple antivirus solutions fell victim to an attack.

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This checklist breaks down these categories and is designed to help you understand the different options in the market today.

Solution Categories

Cybersecurity Software

Cybersecurity Software

Cybersecurity software refers to a specialized type of software designed to protect computer systems...

Network Security Software

Network Security Software

Network security software refers to a set of tools and solutions designed to protect computer networ...

Vulnerability Management Software

Vulnerability Management Software

Vulnerability Management Software refers to a specialized tool or software solution designed to help...