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A Buyer's Guide to Optimum Level of Security

Smart investment into EDR-class protection and why your business needs it

For years, SMBs and mid-size enterprises have been able to rely on their endpoint protection platform (EPP) to defend their businesses against an extensive range of commodity threats. But with cybercriminals increasingly turning to new, unknown and evasive threats that can bypass the EPP, it’s time to upgrade these defenses with endpoint detection and response (EDR) and/or managed detection and response (MDR) solutions capable of protecting against such threats.

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By reading this guide, you’ll have a clear understanding of why and how to upgrade your defenses.

Perform for today, transform for tomorrow

Place agility and innovation at the forefront of your business practices.

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Solution Categories

Endpoint Protection Software

Endpoint Protection Software

Endpoint protection software refers to a type of security solution designed to protect the endpoint ...