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Report Cloudflare-A Roadmap to Zero Trust Architecture

A Roadmap to Zero Trust Architecture

Transform your Network and Modernise your Security

Traditional network architecture was designed around the concept of a perimeter network, where any user or request which made it inside the network received an implicit level of trust. Unfortunately, the shift toward cloud hosting, remote work, and other types of modernisation make the network perimeter harder to rely on. These challenges can be addressed by implementing a Zero Trust architecture, wherein all traffic moving into, out of, or within a corporate network is verified, inspected, and logged. This guide was built by security experts to provide a vendor-agnostic roadmap to Zero Trust.

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This report covers:

  • 28 concrete steps an organisation can take to achieve or start a journey towards Zero Trust
  • The dependencies and required time investments of those steps
  • Lists of services and products required for each of those steps