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  • The Role of Cybersecurity in Mergers & Acquisitions Diligence

The Role of Cybersecurity in Mergers and Acquisitions Diligence

A research study to better understand the cybersecurity risks companies face while acquiring another company.

Are key decision makers concerned about cyber during an acquisition? What factors are considered as part of the due diligence and evaluation process before, during and after acquisition? Do cyber incidents lead to delays in acquisition? What does cyber risk mean for companies looking to acquire? How can they best protect themselves during this important process to minimize risk and protect their companies? Read this report to to understand the recommendations companies should consider before an acquisition to mitigate risks and reduce the probability of post-acquisition regret.

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This survey-based study queried over 2,700 IT Decision Makers (ITDMs) and Business Decision Makers (BDMs) from around the world to:

  • Better understand how cybersecurity is influencing the acquisition process
  • Identify security challenges and risks facing companies looking to acquire
  • Determine specific cybersecurity gaps in the M&A evaluation process
  • Highlight the impact of insufficient due diligence measures