Data Loss Protection Takes the Humans' Side
As the saying goes “to err is human,” but when an error results in millions of dollars lost as a result of fines, reputational damage, or competitive disadvantage, to forgive may not be that easy.On average, every employee has access to 11 million files. People are busy, always on the move, and it’s very hard to set aside time for time-consuming, sporadic cybersecurity training. You might think of users as a liability. Instead, you can take action and turn them into your first line of defense. Ava Reveal is human-centric security designed around people. By applying intelligent, out-of-the-box policies, targeted actions and incident-based training, the Reveal agent leverages machine learning to understand user behavior, prevent data loss, and advise and educate users, making them more cyber-aware. Find out more about Ava Reveal.
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- According to ICO, 90% of all data breaches in the UK in 2019 were attributed to human error.