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Webinar Veeam: Strengthen Your Data Protection Security - Detect and Respond to Malware Attacks

Strengthen Your Data Protection Security - Detect and Respond to Malware Attacks

Detect and Respond to Malware Attacks

Identifying risks and acting fast are critical when it comes to overcoming a cyberattack. Veeam’s Malware Detection Engine empowers administrators to uncover threats at the time of backup. Powered by AI and machine learning, data is scanned for malware, signs of encryption, and a litany of other indicators. When coupled with the Veeam Incident API, third parties can alert Veeam Data Platform about threats found in production and trigger backups for affected machines.

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  • Detect and identify cyberthreats
  • Respond and recover faster from ransomware
  • Gain secure and compliant protection for your data