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  • How Cybersecurity Is Evolving from EDR to XDR to ITDR

How Cybersecurity Is Evolving from EDR to XDR to ITDR

As businesses embrace hybrid work and digitization, endpoint and identity security are moving perpetually closer. Both professions are evolving, and to make the most of this evolution, people on both sides will need to cross the aisle. In a recent episode of the Hybrid Identity Protection podcast, we discuss this evolution with Remediant Cofounder and COO Paul Lanzi. We also discuss why integration between XDR and identity is a game-changer for modern security teams.

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"From an identity practitioner’s perspective, endpoint security and server security have historically always been someone else’s problem. There typically hasn’t been a lot of interaction with the identity teams, but that’s changing. The endpoint security team is coming to talk to you soon, and you need to be ready.”

- Paul Lanzi, Cofounder & COO, Remediant