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How to Reduce the Risk of Phishing and Ransomware

Cybersecurity challenges abound for organisations across the world

Ransomware is a second critical threat, with a well-played ransomware attack capable of bringing an organisation to a complete halt, and in some cases putting it out of business permanently. Both phishing and ransomware were critical threats before the health pandemic of 2020 forced a sudden shift to remote working, and such a move has only served to intensify the threat levels.

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  • The survey commissioned for this research looks specifically at the threats of phishing and ransomware, and how the risks of both can be reduced.
  • Half of organisations believe they are effective at counteracting various phishing and ransomware threats
  • Only 16% of organisations reported no security incident types related to phishing and ransomware in the past 12 months. In other words, it is a widespread problem for most organisations.
  • The most effective mitigations against phishing attacks, from our research
  • And so much more!