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  • Keeping Customer Identities Safe and Secure as the Business Grows

Keeping Customer Identities Safe and Secure as the Business Grows

As your company begins to scale and grow, your identity and access management must keep up with your company’s needs to ensure you're protecting consumer data and sensitive company information.

With digital and online platforms rapidly emerging and becoming a standard in today’s business practices, fostering a seamless and secure access management process is essential in providing a high level of customer experience to your clients. That said, neglecting to utilize customer identity and access management can negatively affect your business. This guide walks through the importance of CIAM, and how to keep on top of identity as your buisness grows.

Report Snap Shot

  • Two billion records containing usernames and passwords were compromised in 2021 - a 35% increase over 2020
  • 50.2% of customers are worried about the security of the information they provide
  • 26.9% find that processes involving digital identity take too long

Solution Categories

Identity Management Software

Identity Management Software

Identity management software refers to a computer program or application that facilitates the manage...

Authentication Software

Authentication Software

Authentication software refers to computer programs and systems that verify the identity of users or...

Password Management Software

Password Management Software

Password management software refers to a tool or application designed to securely store and manage p...