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  • Why Legacy Remote Access Isn't Up to Scratch for the Modern Workplace
Webinar Netskope 7 Strategies for Planning your Successful VPN Retirement

Why Legacy Remote Access Isn't Up to Scratch for the Modern Workplace

7 Strategies for Planning your Successful VPN Retirement

As legacy remote access VPNs have proven inadequate and inefficient for traditional modern hybrid and remote workforces, the time is now for your organization to start on a VPN replacement journey. To modernize your networking infrastructure and successfully replace legacy remote access VPNs, ZTNA projects have been found most successful. When utilizing ZTNA, it’s important that your organization also embraces a zero trust strategy and has a plan in place before embarking on your VPN replacement journey. Watch this webinar to learn how to successfully replace your legacy remote access VPN and upgrade connectivity.

Watch Webinar

Webinar Snap shot

  • Why legacy remote access infrastructure won’t work for modern remote and hybrid work
  • Achieving consensus on strategy, roadmap, and implementation plans
  • Setting the stage for early success
  • Success stories and pitfalls to avoid

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