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Phishing with The Cloud

Office 365 Missed Phish Report

A decade ago in October 2010, Microsoft unveiled its cloud-based Office 365 platform. Touted then as one of the “moments in time when technology transforms the workplace,” Microsoft’s prediction has certainly come true. In Q3 2020, Microsoft reported 258 million paid Office 365 business seats; Gartner reports that 71 percent of companies now use cloud or hybrid cloud email, primarily from Microsoft.Yet, technology evolution doesn’t happen in isolation: cyber threat actors have also evolved with (and thrived because of) — the cloud.

Report Snap Shot

  • Examines the top threats missed by Office 365 and well-known secure email gateways (SEGs), based on an analysis of more than 1.5 billion messages sent to 18 organizations across different industries.
  • Discover that in one six-month period (March to August 2020), Office 365 and well-known SEGs missed nearly 1 million — over 925,000 — phishing emails.
  • And so much more!