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  • Standing Up To Cryptojacking: Best Practices for Fighting Back

Standing Up To Cryptojacking: Best Practices for Fighting Back

Cryptojacking has recently erupted onto the cybercrime scene, thanks to the surge in value during 2017 of cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, Monero, and Ethereum.

Crooks are aggressively targeting laptops, desktops, servers, and even mobile devices. From a single device to entire networks, they infect as many devices as they can to mine for cryptocurrency on, or while using, other people's computers. Simply put, you do the work, pay for the electricity and hardware, and they pocket the rewards.

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This paper will teach you how to fight back! It'll explore:

  • The differences between legitimate mining and cryptojacking
  • How cryptojacking works
  • The costs of cryptojacking to today's organizations
  • Practical steps you can take to avoid being a victim