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  • The 3 Tenets of Enabling a Remote Government Workforce

The 3 Tenets of Enabling a Remote Government Workforce

Even as a possible end to the coronavirus pandemic is on the horizon, there’s no doubt that telework is here to stay for the government workforce.

Many employees are likely to begin looking for the flexibility and ease that remote work offers, turning many previously in-person government workplaces into hybrid ones. As agencies begin to support a more permanent remote future, it’s critical that they build security in every step of the way — starting with access and identity.

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“Agencies need to modernize access — no one can work if they don’t have access — but also security, because attackers never standstill. While we’re contemplating our move from A to B, malicious actors are constantly attacking our assets. We always have to be thinking in the back of our mind how to not just deliver that capability, but deliver it securely,” says Frazier.

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Cybersecurity Software

Cybersecurity Software

Cybersecurity software refers to a specialized type of software designed to protect computer systems...

Network Security Software

Network Security Software

Network security software refers to a set of tools and solutions designed to protect computer networ...

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Vulnerability Management Software

Vulnerability Management Software refers to a specialized tool or software solution designed to help...