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Report Sophos The Dirty Secrets of Network Firewalls

The Dirty Secrets of Network Firewalls

Results of an independent survey of 2,700 IT managers in mid-sized organizations, sponsored by Sophos.

In late 2017, Sophos sponsored an independent research study into the state of network security in mid-sized organizations across the globe. This research program explored the experiences, concerns, and future needs of IT managers, with particular focus on firewalls and network defenses. Conducted by leading UK research house Vanson Bourne, the study surveyed 2,700 IT managers in organizations of 100 to 5,000 users in 10 countries, and across five continents.

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This resulting paper reveals the dirty secrets of today’s firewalls, exposing how they are failing organizations in key areas of protection, visibility, and threat response, and the impact of these failures have on IT managers across the globe.

  • The #1 desired firewall enhancement
  • Percentage of network traffic that can’t be identified
  • Concerns resulting from lack of network visibility
  • Time spent identifying and remediating infected computers