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  • How to Keep up with the Shifting Landscape of Password Attacks

How to Keep up with the Shifting Landscape of Password Attacks

Since the early 2000s, Microsoft's Active Directory and its associated applications have played a critical role in IT management. ..

Enterprises today­ still­ rely heavily on Active Directory to manage identities in their IT environments. Despite­ advances in ­technology, Active Directory's password policy has remained unchanged for a decade.­ As a result,­ today's­ administrators are forced to find ways to circumvent the­ weaknesses in this policy.

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Download this whitepaper to uncover the changing landscape of password attacks and to understand the reasons why Microsoft's Active Directory password policy is no longer a viable option.

Solution Categories

Identity Management Software

Identity Management Software

Identity management software refers to a computer program or application that facilitates the manage...

Authentication Software

Authentication Software

Authentication software refers to computer programs and systems that verify the identity of users or...

Password Management Software

Password Management Software

Password management software refers to a tool or application designed to securely store and manage p...