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The State of Office 365 Backup

Global shift to remote work intensifies data protection challenges.

There has been an explosion of Microsoft Office 365 data and a pressing need to protect it, with Teams meetings increasing 380% and huge expansions in data sharing. Organizations looking to protect this fast-growing data, express concerns about the completeness of backup and retention solutions, as well as security, compliance, and, most importantly, how easy that solution is to deploy and use. This report takes a look at the concerns and preferences IT professionals have about Office 365 data security, backup and recovery, software-as-a-service (SaaS) solutions, and related topics.

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  • Protecting Data Against Attack and Loss
  • Security and Regulation Concerns
  • Efficent SaaS Solutions 

Solution Categories

Cybersecurity Software

Cybersecurity Software

Cybersecurity software refers to a specialized type of software designed to protect computer systems...

Network Security Software

Network Security Software

Network security software refers to a set of tools and solutions designed to protect computer networ...

Vulnerability Management Software

Vulnerability Management Software

Vulnerability Management Software refers to a specialized tool or software solution designed to help...