Top 10 Cybersecurity Myths [Infographic]


Rob SobersSenior Director at Varonis

22 August 2018

Cybersecurity is a big problem for all businesses both big and small. So which of these common misconceptions are keeping your company from being cybersafe?

Infographic 4 Minutes
Top 10 Cybersecurity Myths [Infographic]

Cybersecurity is one of any business’ main concerns, and for good reason. Keeping track of all of a business’ information is tough work, but the effects of letting any of it get stolen are harmful and far-reaching.

The number of cybersecurity threats are increasing by the day, and it is difficult to keep track of each one of them as they come up. It is even more difficult, if not impossible, to predict each new threat before it appears. Thus, businesses have to try their best to ensure that their data stays protected against an ever-increasing amount of threats.

Varonis looked into some of the most pervasive cybersecurity myths and compiled a list of ten of them.

One of the most surprising myths is that cybersecurity is only the IT department’s responsibility. While the IT department does do a lot of work related to cybersecurity, it is actually every employee’s responsibility to stay on guard for potential threats.

A surprising amount of data breaches occur due to negligence or malicious action from employees of the company, so it is important to cultivate a business culture where cybersecurity is a top-of-mind concern for every employee. Working to create this culture should be a priority for any business professional, and it can truly save businesses from having their data stolen.

To learn more about cybersecurity myths and how they could hurt your company, check out the full infographic below.

Top 10 Cybersecurity Myths [Infographic]

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Rob Sobers

Rob Sobers is a Senior Director at cybersecurity firm Varonis. He has been writing and designing software for over 20 years and is co-author of the book Learn Ruby the Hard Way, which has been used by millions of students to learn the Ruby programming language. Prior to joining Varonis in 2011, Rob held a variety of roles in engineering, design, and professional services.


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