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Report Duo Two-Factor Authentication Evaluation Guide

Two-Factor Authentication Evaluation Guide

Modern two-factor solutions have evolved to support new, complex technology models that change how we use data, including cloud computing and BYOD (Bring Your Own Device).

There are so many different solutions, authentication methods, integration issues, and new security concerns cropping up in the market. With such a large diversity of vendors, it's easy for IT security decision-makers to get confused about which solution is right.

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This free guide explains the key areas of differentiation between two-factor authentication solutions and provides some concrete criteria for evaluating technologies and vendors. Discover the authentication solution that can meet your organisation's security needs.

Solution Categories

Cybersecurity Software

Cybersecurity Software

Cybersecurity software refers to a specialized type of software designed to protect computer systems...

Network Security Software

Network Security Software

Network security software refers to a set of tools and solutions designed to protect computer networ...

Vulnerability Management Software

Vulnerability Management Software

Vulnerability Management Software refers to a specialized tool or software solution designed to help...