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Zero Trust for Hybrid Active Directory

With 95 percent of global Fortune 1000 companies relying on AD and Azure AD for user permissions and access, it is one of first places attackers look to compromise.

Forrester estimates 80 percent of all data breaches involve misuse of administrative privileges. This means that managing privileged security in your hybrid AD environment is essential to protecting your users and infrastructure. All this adds up to making it easier for bad actors to compromise your privileged accounts.

Report Snap Shot

One Identity’s global survey of privileged access practices found:

  • 88% of survey respondents find managing privileged passwords challenging
  • 86% do not change privileged passwords after each use
  • 40% do not change default admin passwords on critical systems

Solution Categories

Endpoint Protection Software

Endpoint Protection Software

Endpoint protection software refers to a type of security solution designed to protect the endpoint ...